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2023 Australia-Korea Rheology Conference 개최 및 초록 제출 안내

사무국 │ 2023-08-22




안녕하세요. 회원 여러분

제12회 한-호 유변학회를 아래와 같이 개최합니다.

이와 관련하여 초록 제출 및 사전 등록에 대해 안내하오니 많은 참여와 관심을 부탁합니다.

자세한 내용은 첨부 파일과 아래 링크를 클릭하시어 확인하시기를 바랍니다.

12th Australia-Korea Rheology Conference

4th – 7th December 2023, The University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

An opportunity for rheology researchers and practitioners from Australia,

Korea and elsewhere to meet and share their ideas and findings.

We invite submissions for ‘regular presentations’ and ‘posters’:

- Regular presentations will be 15 minutes each, followed by 5 minutes for questions.

- The poster session will be on Tuesday 5th December.

Please join us to celebrate the ASR's 40th anniversary, presentation of the ASR Medallion,

and Roger Tanner's 90th birthday at the conference dinner on Wednesday 6th December.

There will also be a short course on the basics of rheology

(3hr lectures + 3hr hands-on training) on Monday 4th December,

and a site seeing tour on Friday 8th December to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat.

[Important Dates]

Abstract submission deadline: 27th August

Notification of abstract acceptance: 15th September

Registrations open: 1th August

Early-bird registrations close: 30th September

Registrations close: 31th October

An abstract template, registration and accommodation details are available at this link.

Please send your abstract or enquiries to asrkarc2023@gmail.com.

이전글 2023년도 학회상 후보자 추천 의뢰 안내 (~8/31)
다음글 2023 정기총회 및 추계학술발표회 개최 안내