2023 KPS Fall Meeting 세션 안내 사무국 │ 2023-10-12 HIT 1011 |
아래와 같이 한국물리학회에서 진행되는 세션을 안내합니다. 2023 KPS Fall Meeting E [Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Physics & Biological Physics] TIME: October 27 (Friday) 10:30 - 12:06 / ROOM: Convention Hall III 초청연사: WEITZ David (Harvard University), MCKINLEY Gareth (M.I.T.)
‘Soft Matter’ refers to materials that are present in contrast to ‘hard’ solid materials, such as liquids, emulsions, colloids, and biomaterials that are common in nature and daily life. Despite being commonly experienced in everyday life and widely applied in natural science and industry, these soft materials have been considered as subjects mostly of engineering research for a long time and have shown. |
이전글 | [채용] 단국대학교 기계공학과 신규 전임교원(2023-2학기) |
다음글 | [채용] 롯데케미칼 종합기술원 연구원 경력채용 |